
What is a Document?

A Document in Vectorian terminology is some text we can perform a search on, e.g. book, a web page, or a Shakespeare play. For example, the text of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and various metadata (such as speakers, acts and scenes) about it could be regarded as one Document.

Partitions and Spans

A problem in this terminology arises when we want to search a text on a finer granularity level, e.g. when we aim to find all of the Document's sentences that match some query. For example, let us assume we want to find all sentences in A Midsummer Night's Dream that contain a mention of Titania. If we regard the whole text of A Midsummer Night's Dream as one single Document, then the result of our search would be one single hit, telling us that A Midsummer Night's Dream indeed contains one occurence of Titania. This obviously is neither very useful nor not what we set out to achieve.

A common approach to solving this problem is to change terminology and split the Document into its sentences beforehand and then regard those sentences as separate Documents. This approach can be confusing though and has a number of technical and conceptual drawbacks.

The Vectorian takes a different approach and introduces a concept called Partition, which is a combination of granularity control (the Vectorian API calls this the Partitions level) and a sliding window specification. Search operations do not operate on Documents, but instead on Spans that are generated through applying a Partition on a Document. A Span is a section of a Document, e.g. a single sentence or a specific sequence of tokens.

Here a three examples to illustrate the concepts - we assume that doc is a Document and that session is a Session:

  • doc.spans(session.partition("document")) produces one Span that represents the document as a whole.
  • doc.spans(doc.partition("sentence")) produces Spans such that each Span is one sentence of the Document.
  • doc.spans(doc.partition("token", 5, 1)) produces Span by applying a sliding window of size 5 to the tokens of the Document.

Which granularity levels (e.g. "document" or "sentence") are available depends on the Importer used (see next section). The default Importers support "document", "sentence" and "token".


An Importer converts some input (e.g. plain text, a XML file, a Web URL, ...) into a Document. It will perform tokenization, partition detection (e.g. detection of sentence boundaries) and other related nlp tasks like lemmatization. The Importer is also responsible for computing contextual embeddings.

Standard importers in the Vectorian include:

  • StringImporter: turns a string into a Document
  • TextImporter: turns a plain text file into a Document
  • NovelImporter: imports a novel provided as a plain text file and keeps additional data about the structure of the novel (e.g. chapter breaks) in the resulting Document
  • PlayShakespeareImporter: imports data from an XML file from - the resulting Document knows about speakers, acts and scenes for each line

Here is an example of using StringImporter to create a Document (you need a spaCy nlp object that knows about the used language):

im = vectorian.importers.StringImporter(nlp)
doc = im("At the station is an art museum.")

Importers - once created - act like factories for Documents, i.e. they can be used to import multiple Documents.

Available importers in the Vectorian


Since the task of importing Documents can take considerable time - due to various nlp pipeline steps and/or the computation of contextual embeddings - it is useful to save and load imported Documents to and from disk by using the Document's save and the static Document.load methods. Note that these methods do not take a filename, but rather a path, since a single Document might consist of a number of files.

For saving and loading multiple Document's, the Corpus class provides some convenience functionality. First, construct a Corpus from your imported Document's. Then use (and later Corpus.load). As with Document's, these methods take a path (not a single filename). You can also construct a corpus by incrementally saving corpus sub sets to a path and then later on loading the whole Corpus in one go. Be aware that saving the same set of Documents to the same path will currently cause duplication.