Token Similarity


vectorian.sim.token.TokenSimilarity describes a strategy to compute a similarity score from embeddings. It consists of two things:

  • a specific embedding which serves as the source of vectors (e.g. fastText)
  • a strategy to compute a scalar similarity value from two vectors

The first item is modelled by vectorian.embedding.Embedding in the Vectorian, the latter by vectorian.sim.vector.VectorSimilarity.

Basic Operators implementing TokenSimilarity


vectorian.sim.vector.VectorSimilarity is a strategy that describes how to compute a scalar similarity value from two given embedding vectors. The resulting value is expected to lie between 0 (which implies minimum similarity) and 1 (which implies maximum similarity). Negative values will be clipped to 0 later in the pipeline.

An obvious choice for VectorSimilarity is vectorian.sim.token.CosineSimilarity, which computes the cosine of the angle between two embedding vectors.

Other VectorSimilarity implementations based on other metrics are possible. It is also possible to compute distances and later convert them to similarities (see example further below).

The following diagram shows which VectorSimilaritys are currently implemented in the Vectorian.

Basic Operators implementing TokenSimilarity

Modifiers on VectorSimilarity

Using vectorian.sim.token.ModifiedVectorSimilarity and one or more vectorian.sim.kernel.UnaryOperators it is possible to perform additional operations on a VectorSimilarity.

Note that this kind of operations are always based eventually on one single embedding, since all such computations boil down to one root VectorSimilarity, which usually operates on a single embedding.

For example the following code models a similarity based on the embedding stored in fastText, where similarity between two vectors u and v is calculated as cos(phi) - 0.2, if phi is the angle between u and v.


The currently available unary operators (like e.g. Bias) that can be used with ModifiedVectorSimilarity are shown in the following diagram:

Kernels for modifying similarities

Modifiers on TokenSimilarity

The Vectorian also allows you to build completely new TokenSimilarity strategies that are capable of combining different TokenSimilarity instances that employ different embeddings.

One such example is vectorian.sim.modifier.MixedTokenSimilarity, which takes a number of TokenSimilarity instances and combines them in a weighted sum.

Here is an example that combines two different TokenSimilarity instances to build a new mixed TokenSimilarity:

    weights=[0.3, 0.7])

Other combinators are possible. For example, MaximumTokenSimilarity takes the highest similarity of a number of given TokenSimilaritys for each token. Accordingly, MinimumTokenSimilarity takes the lowest similarity.

The following diagram shows all such multi-embedding combinators which are currently implemented:

Classes implementing modified tokens similarity computations

Distances and Similarities

Here is an example of using a Euclidean distance as a VectorSimilarity:


Using RadialBasis, the distance d is first calibrated such that the range [0, 1] contains a meaningful distance (with 1 being minimum similarity), then DistanceToSimilarity is used to compute 1 - d, i.e. to turn the distance into a scalar similarity value.